
My name is Samantha and this is me. A few years ago I made a big decision that changed my life dramatically. I had a very challenging life since childhood & I’ve experienced difficult and dangerous situations. Feeling lost in my skin, as if I did not belong in my own family or anywhere in this world. Sadly, at times I thought this life I had, was not worth living…but I kept pushing through, and today I am grateful that I had the strentgh and the faith to move forward even though I had no idea how I would make it on my own.

I had limiting beliefs, traumas and fears to work through, with no support. Parlty because I did not know how to ask for help and I kept my pain to myself for many years. Ofcourse, this affected all of my relationships but most importantly, the relationship I had with myself.

It was not until years later when I had a moment of desperation and got on my knees and with tears in my eyes, I preayed to God to please help me as I was feeling as though I was hanging on by a thread! It only took a couple of days and I began to have some clarity of mind and eventually, found my new path. I knew I was being shown the way and the right people came into my life.

I met my mentors and immersed myself in the world of personal development. This helped me so much & finally I “woke up” and the self transformation began. When I took action and began my healing journey things changed for me in wonderful ways. I had the support, and great friends by my side who helped me open up and held me accountable! With all the challenges I faced it would have been easier for me to continue to live in conformity and leave things as they were. But instead, I opted to turn my challenges, insecurities and fears into strength, and because of that decision I’ve made, I now live a joyful life in gratitude, good health, and lots of love.

I have accomplished more than I ever thought possible for myself in a short time! I am now experiencing what it means for me, personal success. Such wonderful feeling! The learning is ongoing as I am a work in progress because life moves fast and I have to keep evolving and growing. It is because of my struggles and painful experiences that I am the woman I am today. I have the wisdom, the knowledge and the tools to help you.

As a published well-being Author, Life & Wellness Coach, Personal Development Mentor, Energy Healer and Yoga Teacher, I can gladly say that I am doing what I love and creating my life by my design.I can show you how you can too! Let’s work together for your success and well-being! It starts with you deciding to start now, just like I did back then.

In gratitude,


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I am no stranger to change… In fact, my life has changed dramatically many times over - and in turn, I have touched the lives of many on my spiritual and personal growth journey. I have experienced more in my life to this point than most people I know. After years of feeling lost and confused, I found the answers I was seeking and my life transformed.

I am an energetic and dynamic leader in the understanding of the ever-shifting human emotions around life leadership, career, and relationships. I can offer you intuitive insights towards self-realization and personal development through optimal personal success.

As a published Author, Life Coach, Yoga Teacher & Energy Healer I’ve had many opportunities to appear on Podcasts such as The Passionate Talk podcast, and Mindalia TV/ Radio, as well as various interviews and wellness summits, sharing my wisdom and experience on essential topics such as personal development and gratitude. As the author of 'The Gratitude Affirmations' & 'The Dragonfly Effect' - Finding Your Inner Strength, Clarity, and Wisdom, I am well immersed in personal growth and well-being. I love what I do because I help people live their best life.

Now, as a global change maker, micro influencer & life coach, I continue to change and improve the lives of many, including children with special needs as well as countless clients in my practice of Energy Therapy, Life Coaching, Yoga & Personal Development Mentoring. In addition to being an accomplished leader in my field of understanding and shifting human emotions through Reiki, EFT Meridian Tapping, and ongoing studies guided by great mentors such as Bob Proctor. I often share my knowledge and experience by writing blogs, motivational quotes, my published books and I continuously motivate and educate through my work on social media via IG, FB, Youtube


I was also the recipient of the Reader’s Choice Gold Award in 2020 as a recognition for my energy healing work in my community. I am often quoted as saying “Life is to be felt, not planned”… because this is one of the big lessons that I have learned, that feeling is the secret to living a great life! I am very grateful for this award and for those who voted for me. What I do is my passion and life purpose.


Believe that the universe is on your side. Let things flow freely into your life. When you start “letting” and “believing”, that is when you truly let go of worry, fear, and doubt and as you let go of these you will experience peace within.

— Samantha

A few of my Blogs