Daily Boost for Feeling Fantastic!

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could feel fantastic everyday? Have you ever wonder what it must feel like to be happy and relaxed everyday? Have you ever asked yourself if that is even possible? I can tell you from personal experience that this is very possible. And here I will give you some tips and suggestions on certain things you can start doing right now and if you are consistent with this simple work…. You will feel happy and great everyday no matter what.

Reasons why people do not feel great everyday

We as people are very judgemental of ourselves and others

We may be surrounded by negative people, friends, family members, coworkers, etc..

We maybe live in a negative environment

Perhaps we have low self-esteem due to poor experiences we had as children or as adults

Maybe we experienced neglect and a lack of love from self or others

Perhaps we are co-dependent and need someone to lift us up and make us feel good

The reasons are endless! But to give you an idea these I have shared with you are very common. We are so comfortable with ourselves that we take ourselves for granted. We think others can achieve things we can not or be, or have things we can not. We feel unlucky probably more times than not. We let circumstances and people dictate how we are going to feel. Does any of this sound familiar? Can you relate? 

I say “we” because a long time ago I could relate to this, not anymore!  I learned that I can control how I am going to feel, think and what I am going to do everyday. I am in control. No one can make me do or feel a certain way unless I give them permission to. So now its a good time for you to think about times in your life where you let others and situations decide for you how you should feel. I am sure the answer to that is too many to count. But the good news is that now as you are reading this blog you are starting to understand and get excited about this new way of thinking, acting and living. Positive and happy everyday! Starting now.

Daily Practices for feeling your best!

You are God’s highest form of creation. When you were born you were given incredible mental faculties which you must begin to use to your advantage immediately! These mental faculties are:  your will, imagination, perception, reason, memory and intuition! For this exercise I will give you, you will be mostly using your will, to keep you focused, your imagination to choose what you want, your reason to be in control of your mental state,  your perception to help you see clearly where you are at when it comes to you deciding how you feel or letting others and outside circumstances decide for you and your intuition to guide you.

Lets begin!

Do not go to bed upset

Do not read, argue or watch anything discouraging on TV or SM

Stay away from negativity and negative people

Do not wear anything that makes you feel less attractive than you want to

Do not judge yourself- be kind to yourself

Accept yourself with all your wonderful imperfections 

Do something that makes you feel good everyday: walk, bath, listen to uplifting music, motivational talk, etc…


Take things as they come and one thing at a time

Make a daily schedule of your “to do” activities so you feel accomplished and not stressed out 

Read- pick up a book that interests you and feed your mind 

Affirmations starting with I AM- below I give you examples:

I am confident

I am a good person

I am loyal to myself and others

I am positive 

I treat myself with love and respect

I am in control of my thoughts, feelings and actions

I am God’s highest form of creation

I believe in myself and that is what matters most to me

I love myself

I am happy to be me

I choose to surround myself with the best

I choose positive environments and people in my life

I am in control of my life

I am important and what I feel matters

I choose happiness every day

I choose to stay calm and remember to breathe

I believe that what is meant for me will not miss me 

I am fierce

I go after what I want

I am strong and confident!

These are some examples you can use or you may come up with your own affirmations that resonate with you but even if right now you are not feeling this, in time you will. Because affirmations and autosuggestions the more you repeat them you are impressing them in your subconscious mind or feeling mind. 

As a mentor and personal development coach, I help my clients with things like this. I help them create a life they love, stay positive and be in control! Thank you and I hope this blog serves you. To work with me as your mentor please email me directly at samanthacervino@gmail.com

Samantha Cervino :)

Samantha Cervino

Life Coach | Personal Development Mentor | Published Author | Healer 

I help people live their best life, find their purpose, and create their life by design.


Keeping Healthy & Positive in Challenging Times


Live Well